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kathmandu, Nepal

President visits NA headquarters


Jun 21, 2018

Kathmandu, June 21 (RSS): President Bidya Devi Bhandari visited the Nepali Army headquarters today and took note of the activities being carried out through and under it.
President Bhandari, who is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the NA, lauded the role played by the NA so far and directed it to assume its responsibilities with high morale and encouragement, says a statement issued by the Public Relations Directorate of the NA.
On the occasion, Officiating Prime Minister and Minister for Defense Iswar Pokharel said the defense ministry and the government were always positive towards providing necessary support to Nepali Army, which carries a very important responsibility of national security.
Chief of the Army Staff Rajendra Chettri said the NA has always been working with a priority to national interest, and stressed that the support and role of the government in the consolidation, strengthening and organisational department of NA was significant.
On the occasion, NA officials concerned shed light on the duties of NA, its organisation and policies, operational activities and welfare initiatives.

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