Bardibas, July 17 (RSS): Number of people losing their lives to road accidents is found increasing every year in Mahottari district.
Releasing data of the fiscal year 2017/18, District Traffic Police Office, Mahottari, said that the number of people killed in road accidents has increased in latest four years.
A total of 87 road accidents took place in the district in fiscal year 2017/18 and 44 people were killed.
Similarly, 19 people died in road accidents in the fiscal year 2014/15, twenty-four in the fiscal year 2015/16 and 29 in the fiscal year 2016/17, said Chief at the District Traffic Police Office, Police Inspector Dilli Prasad Mainali.
Likewise, 66 people were critically injured in the road accidents occurred in the fiscal year 2017/18. Police Inspector Mainali said that increasing number of vehicles, trend of driving in a negligence way, consumption of alcohol and potholes on roads are some causes behind increasing number of road accidents and human causalities.
The data also shown that although the District Traffic Police Office has accelerated taking action against those violating the traffic rules, road mishaps have been increasing. The Office collected Rs 16 million in revenue after taking action against those violating the traffic rules in fiscal year 2017/18, which was the highest in the last three fiscal years.
The Office also launched intense public awareness programme after road accidents were found increasing in the district every year. Traffic education was imparted to 1,280 students of 15 schools in the fiscal year 2017/18.
Number of people killed in road mishaps increasing every year in Mahottari