Kathmandu, June 15 (RSS): Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health and Population, Upendra Yadav, has insisted on the need for further promoting ayurved and using it in treatment of new diseases.
In his address to an international seminar organised by Nepal Ayurved Research and Training Center here today, he called for support of India and China towards that end. Ayurved specialists and experts from Nepal, India and China are present in the event.
Ayurved linked to tradition and culture should be used in treatment of new diseases with the development of advanced technology and knowledge in this field and it will help reduce the import of drugs.” Ayurved has not been given importance at policy-making levels, thus sidelining it from mainstream of medical science.”
Health Secretary Pushpa Chaudhary said ayurved was always the priority of the government, expressing hope that it would see further boost in a federalized Nepal.
Center executive director Dr Siddhartha Kumar Thakur said the Center had been continuously working to promote ayurved and its use.
National Institute of Ayurved Jaypur, India’s director Prof Dr Sanjeev Sharma said “Nepal is the place of origin of Ayurved and it has ayurved manuscripts rich in knowledge ,” echoing of the need of further consolidating mutual cooperation to promote it.
Health Minister calls for promoting use of Ayurved